Functional Design
E3.Functional Design supports the development of the first sketches which can be used to drive the detailed wiring and fluid plans. In the early development phases, block diagrams are created and connected through specified communication channels. Then functional units with their signal properties are placed in dynamic components.
Electrical Design
E3.series is the modular software suite for the design of electrical systems. Base functionality contained in all E3.series modules includes:
- True Windows application
- Overview and flexible structuring capabilities with Project Explorer
- Management of variants and options
- Simple integration of other documents
- Object-oriented data management
- Countless import/export possibilities
- Multi-lingual diagrams by simply switching language
Hydraulics & Pneumatics
E3.fluid has been designed for the development of hydraulic or pneumatic systems. It is the complete, easy-to-use solution for designing and documenting circuit diagrams for hydraulic, pneumatic and cooling drawings.
E3.cable has been designed for the development of electronic systems and their internal connectivity. It is an integrated, logic-oriented, Windows based solution for complete documentation of all wiring, cables and wire harnesses.
Multi-user Access
For the smaller projects E3 comes in a standalone single user mode, but when the scale increases E3.enterprise offers multiuser access to the same projects. Multiple engineers all working simultaneously in the same design. Changes made by individuals are immediately seen by all other users whilst still maintaining integrity rules, such as unique device naming. E3.enterprise also comes with access control and lifecycle options.
Automatic Wiring Diagram Creation
E3.Wiring Diagram Generator automatically generates schematics/wiring diagrams for development, service and after sales. It can also be used to migrate and create standardised diagrams from older systems. After defining the diagram placement and routing rules, schematic/wiring diagrams are generated automatically from a netlist (connection list in CSV format).
Management of Variants and Options
To help companies who have many configurations to manage, E3.series comes with built-in variant and option functionality. This enables our customers to create single projects containing all possible options; then through tick box selections automatically configure their specific designs.
Hierarchical Design
E3.cable is one of the first E-CAE systems supporting hierarchical design functionality. Bottom-up or top-down design approach becomes real. That means the electrical system can be displayed in various detailed representations and become step by step a more detailed or more abstract representation.
Re-Use of PCB Design Data
With E3.cable the entire electrical and electronic system is documented. During the development predefined elements are used, which are either manufactured in-house, or purchased from a supplier, where their I/O behaviour is documented. The complete system is a result of the predefined elements, such as PCBs, actuators, sensors and the connections between them.
International Documentation
For product development on a multinational and global scale documents can be designed in multiple languages in parallel. This is possible using texts and text modules from the E3.series language database. All texts, even those defined in the component library, will be displayed in the desired language. To switch the language a setting is used, allowing up to five languages to be displayed simultaneously.
International Products & Services Classification Standard
Zuken is a supporting member of the international eCl@ss standard, the classification system for the description of products and services for achieving standardised product information.
Component Data
With integrated engineering, it’s becoming increasingly important to receive real-time information regarding new components. In addition to commercial data, technical information is also required. On the E3.series Support website, which is free-of-charge to all users with a software maintenance contract, manufacturer-specific E3.series component libraries are available for download.